5 problems with patio furniture (and how to fix them) in Tipton IN
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So you are ready to decorate your patio! Before you do, there are some things to consider. Take a look at these common 5 problems with patio furniture and find out how to fix them.

1. Non-stylish Stains

Patio furniture can cost hundreds and hundreds of dollars- DON’T THROW AWAY YOUR INVESTMENT. Keeping up on cleanings can help outdoor furniture maintain its quality externally as well as internally. 

patio furniture in Tipton IN

Solution:  You need a furniture protectant! Schedule a regular cleaning and protectant to remove existing stains and keep future stains out.

2. Mildew and Fungus

Wet dirt and other outdoor elements build up and create a breeding ground for all sorts of nasty elements. If mildew and fungus are not removed quickly, they can destroy the factory finish and ruin the furniture forever.

rainy patio furniture in Tipton IN

Solution: Try to keep furniture dry. Place furniture in a covered area to prevent elements from damaging it. We can have some weather extremes here in Tipton IN, and some rainy days from time to time. Keep an eye on the weather for any weather fluctuations during the winter months. If needed, cover chairs in plastic during those times or pack them away entirely for the time being.

3. Rusting

When it comes to metal rusting on furniture, the best way to stop it is to prevent it. 

rusting furniture in Tipton IN on the patio

Solution: Before you put your furniture outside for the first time, seal it with a spray from your local department store. In some cases you can paint over the rust or spray it with a can of Rust-Oleum to combat rust- though results may vary.

4. Bad quality furniture = bad problems

Invest in good patio furniture. Ultimately cheap furniture will break down easier, chip more frequently, and be more prone to rust.  In the long run, you may spend more money repairing cheap furniture than purchasing good quality furniture in the first place.

patio furniture in Tipton IN

Solution: Research before you buy and spend your time selecting your furniture. Watch for a deal or sale and save money on good quality furniture instead of splurging on cheap furniture.

5. Watch The Weather

Bad weather can literally make or break your patio furniture. Water damage can lead to mildew and fungus as mentioned before. Strong winds can blow furniture over and break it.

snowy patio chair in Tipton IN

Solution: Pay attention to the weather patterns in your area throughout the seasons so you can take the necessary precautions. Invest in strong plastic covers and weight down your furniture when needed (bricks make a simple, quick fix). Finally, don’t forget to close any outdoor umbrellas!

It isn’t worth the risk of leaving your furniture out if there could be trouble.

The takeaway here is invest in your furniture the day you purchase it and in the days to follow. Schedule regular cleanings to maintain the quality of your furniture. Book with Shirley’s Chem-Dry of Tipton IN today.